It will not, however, dampen my excitement for the purchase I just made:

It's the MOTU Symphonic Instrument plug-in, and it the most righteous piece of software you'll never have. [pause to push up glasses and do nerdy laugh-snort] I won't even bother to explain it 'cuz A) you probably won't get it and 2) I'm not sure I even get it, but basically I can now play the cello like my mom always wanted.
Here's the rub, though. I've gotta basically learn how to use this fucker by Monday because I have to compose a symphonic piece for the game we're making at work. Holy fuckshit. It's gonna be an ugly week, lemme tell ya. It's one thing to whip off a coupla 10 second guitar/bass/drum loops, but this things gonna be monstrous -- modulations, multiple loops, tempo changes. Oh, and it has to not sound like ass. Oh, and the old lady's going outta town for four days on Thursday morning.
If everything goes as planned, the game's gonna rock. If not... well, I guess I'll have a LOT more time to spend on this blog.
I feel like Mozart... 's retarded brother.
May I suggest a little banjo/moog combo? It worked for Land of the Lost.....
Great idea, Jon. And maybe Sleestack hissing in the background.
I wonder if Cha-Ka is available for some vocal work?
Probably. If not, you could definitely get Enik. He hasn't found work since they closed the Library of Skulls (budget cuts). His flipper hands prevent him from getting most jobs.
Poor Enik. That must have been such a bitch manipulating all those glowing crystals with those lobster claws.
Bet he'd taste yummy boiled with some hot, drawn butter, though.
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