Adult-Baby Fetishists Love the Circus!

Bet Jumbo Wishes He Could Forget This Indignity

Lights Out, East Lansing!

Half-Nude Circus Fan-Dancers -- You Know... For Kids!

The Amazing Clayton Rosaire, Moments Before He Became The Headless Clayton Rosaire

I've Got It! I'll Ride a Motorcycle 50 Ft. in the Air While You Hang By Your Face

Miss O's Favorite Act: The Dude with the Frisbee Dogs. Great. I could've saved 75 Bucks & Taken Her to the Dog Park

The Amazing Ms. Angela & Her Aerial Pelvic Exam!

The Official "What the Shit?!" Moment: Overactor Strangled By Boxing Kangaroo

Bear Trainer James Hall Moments Before He Became Dining Hall

The Flying Espanas & Their Jump Off The Swing Into A Giant Bedsheet Deathwish-O-Rama

The Cortes Family Isn't The ONLY Thing Flying through the Air with the Greatest of Ease

Mongolian Contortionist Ms. Uugantuya's Not Afraid to Show-It-Tuya -- This Was the Exact Moment That Mr. Z Reached Puberty

Apparently This Pachyderm Forgot To Pack-A-Lunch

The Real Reason Woolly Mammoths Became Extinct

A Horrifying Apparition of the Exhumed, Desiccated Body of Bozo's Roy Brown
Sing Us Out, Ringmaster Billy!

And Finally, A Page from the Program -- You Know... For Kids!
0 comments on a 3 day old post means:
1. Everyone is occupied doing taxes.
2. Nobody likes the circus. Really.
3. You are a caption KING and there is nothing else to say. Really.
I think you forgot #4, Monica:
4. These cheap ass mofos will stop by and read my free drivel, sure, but they're too fucking lazy to leave a goddamn comment. Throw me a bone, people! Maybe an occasional "LOL" or a winking emoticon, or even a "This isn't funny -- you suck!" I'm all alone here... well, except for you, Monica.
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