Thursday, August 10, 2006

Practice What You Peach...

I just cut the shit out of my thumb washing out one of those little snack peaches cans that Miss O likes. Fucking canned peaches. I always hated those when I was a kid. My mom used to serve us those really slimy canned peach halves and I would gag every time I had to choke one down. It was like swallowing a syrupy human cheek. Pears were no problem, but those peaches... bleh! And it's not like they're good for you or anything -- sure, it's a piece of fruit, but it's basically swimming in liquid candy.

Now, I don't want to sound like my parents didn't treat me well as a kid. They were, and are, fantastic parents. Except for the canned peaches thing. And the sending-me-away-to-Minnesota-for-overnight-camp-for-four-weeks-
when-I-was-only-10 thing. And there was the time I tickled my my mom's foot when she was asleep and she kicked me in the stomach. I think I was five. That was probably the start of my lifelong stomach problems. But really, other than that, stellar parents.

Where was I going with this? Cut my finger... peaches... Miss O... nope, lost it. Though Miss O has been going through some changes of late. Lots of crying and whining -- she cries when we drop her off for camp, she doesn't want to get up in the morning, shit, last night she cried for 20 minutes when I didn't give her a piggyback ride up the stairs for bed. What?! My hands were full of books and dolls and shit!

She's definitely going through a growth-spurt. Whenever the kids are just flipping their lids beyond the normal, day-to-day lid flippage, there's usually some major growth a-spurtin'. I mean, she's basically gained over 10 pounds since last fall. She's probably grown about six inches too. And she's eating like a goddamn horse... with a tapeworm. That girl is gonna be one tall drink of water. Which is fine, as long as she's not that stooped over, big hump on back, really long head, needs a cane to walk, Guinness World Records kinda tall.

I think she's also freaking out about going to kindergarten in the fall. Five days a week, new school, leaving most of her Montessori friends behind. That's some heavy shit for a 4 1/2 year old. Though I think Mr. Z is more freaked than she. He keeps asking things like, "Dad? What if Miss O starts chasing me around on the playground during recess?" And he's not just joking around, either. He's genuinely concerned about that particular scenario. He's asked me about it multiple times. I think it has actually supplanted his death-obsession as the number one thing to worry about as he's falling asleep. Poor guy. Maybe I'll have him start doing wind-sprints in the backyard, so he'll have a fighting chance come September.

Should be an interesting year. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must freshen up the dressing on my seeping wound.


crabbydad said...

Hey, thanks Rob! I live EVERY day under the category of "Rant." By the way... what's a "blogof"?

My Bittersweet Symphony said...

Man, I have no clue who you are... but I stumbled onto your site...googleing why my tomatoes might have black spots... and I found you. I began reading thinking..."maybe this person knows about spotted tomatoes"...OMW! You kill me.. I am a mother of three... feeling sometimes like I am suffocating in motherhood. Your blog made me laugh, I can relate. Thank you. Siggy

crabbydad said...

Hey Siggy, thanks for the comments! Can't really help you with the black spots on your tomatoes, but if you have Japanese beetles, I've got ya covered. My suggestion -- don't eat the black spots.