The thing is, A) I'm not gonna know anyone at the party -- they're all old friends from bands the groom has been in, and 2) they're all like "real" musicians. I think some of them are touring musicians and shit. I guess the idea is that, at the reception, different musicians will rotate in and out of the band and play a couple of tunes here and there. The set list is nuts -- there's like Neil Young tunes and then Zappa shit. It's all over the fucking place. Not necessarily the best wedding set, I might add. Lots of Steve Earle. Who the fuck wants Steve Earle at their wedding... besides Steve Earle? There are a couple of tunes I can probably do all right with, though -- an Uncle Tupelo song and some of the Neil Young shit.
Since I literally haven't touched my drums in well-over a year, I took a break at lunch today and tried to play a couple of the songs. Holy fuckstain, I was playing like Bobby Fuckin' Brady:

Total Spaz-Mo-Dee. After a few minutes I managed to regain a whiff of coordination and made it through a few songs without falling off my stool. I think I'll be able to pull off "Give Back the Keys to My Heart" by Uncle Tupelo and maybe Cheap Trick's "Surrender." I'm gonna pass, though, if they ask me to do "Happy Jack." I might pull a kidney.
Shit, I hope I don't break a hip.
All the Spinal Tap drummers blew up for a reason, you know.
Dude, they're just DRUMS. Relax and have fun!
You're right, Kim. I'm sure I will have fun... it's just that spending most of my days in the basement over the last two years has, if you haven't noticed, turned me into a bit of an agoraphobe, so any potential meetings "outside" with "people" has become fraught with "paranoia." I'm sure everything will be fine... once they stop pointing and laughing at me.
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