When he got home from school, he grabbed a piece of card stock and got right to work. He only got one of them done before his three minute attention span timer expired, but I think it's pretty fucking awesome. The character for the 'greater than' symbol is named "Greetirzan," and, if you'll look at his mouth, it's a greater than symbol. He says the 'less than' character is named "Leezan," and faces the other direction. I think when I was his age, I was still writing 'L' and 'R' on my P.F. Flyers.

While he was working on that, Miss O (not to be outdone) created a stunning puppet for their upcoming puppet show:

From the looks of it, I think they might be doing a production of "Harry "Telescoping-Hydraulic-Neck" Potter and His Housecoat of Many Colors."
Ha. Excellent. I made a full rock band of pencil puppets when I was 7 or 8. I made a little stage for them, which I sat underneath and moved the puppets around to Michael Jackson's "Beat It". I took them to school for a talent show, which I lost.
I've been an atheist ever since.
I've been trying to figure out what those creatures remind me of and it finally came to me...Sharkticons from the Transformers Movie:
Mr. Z should totally be designing robots.
My lawyers are contacting the Sharkticons as we speak.
I just attended an all-day seminar on accounting and budgeting.
I kept picturing Mr. Z's drawings as credits and debits. I think he has a future in creating power point presentations.
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