Miss O refused to share a single piece of candy with me tonight. Oh, if she only knew to whence the Milky Ways mysteriously vanish every night.

I can't wait until tomorrow when Mr. Z ceremoniously kicks off his year-long existential crisis about what he's going to be for Halloween next October.
And by the way, who the fuck gives out Fritos for Halloween? I can pretty much guarantee that there's not a single kid who looks into his/her candy sack at the lone Fritos bag and declares "YESSSSS!" (Except, perhaps, the kids down the block in the "Bandito" family.)
What was Mr Z. this year?
He was a "Dementor" from "Harry Potter." Basically it was the Grim Reaper with a crappier mask... that he got tired of wearing and that I carried around all night, along with Miss O's witch hat that kept falling off. And yet they still refused to give me a single piece of candy. Tonight, I shall eat their Heath bars.
you're going about this all wrong. You can't just pick one kind of candy per night. If you pick various types from all the different piles they're much more likely to not notice the missing pieces. Much sneakier! :D
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