Friday, June 16, 2006

Pecker Trouble Redux

The goddamn woodpeckers are back.

The pecking on our bedroom wall has started again -- usually beginning at around 5:30 AM. Those motherfuckers. They've made three, brand-new holes -- a couple RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING HOLES I FILLED AND PAINTED OVER, WHICH ARE RIGHT NEXT TO THE GIANT INFLATABLE OWLS THAT WERE SUPPOSED TO SCARE THESE FUCKING RATS WITH WINGS BACK TO PECKERTOWN!

Oh, it's ON!

1 comment:

Cazzie!!! said...

OMG, woodpeckers aye...that'd totaly suck Crabbydad!! We have birds called Starlings here and they are just as bad, they find a place to nest in the roof..can get into any small hole between the roof tiles too. Noisy bloomin' thangs!!