Now, I'm a little creeped out that it's two dudes who want to see my toe-porn, but I'm not going to judge. Metatarsal Mike, if your name is any indication, perhaps you can bestow upon me your diagnosis. Remember, there was no apparent trauma that preceded this bruising. (It was magical.)
Other than the toe, I don't have much to say tonight. Uh, it snowed a shitload today. Not that I got outside to see it... I noticed the flakes out my tiny basement porthole (not a euphemism), and decided against actually stepping out the door to experience it. I'll save my excitement for the shit that falls during December, January, February, March and a good chunk of April, thank you.
Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a good hour of plugging "symptom + bruised toe + no apparent cause + deadly?" into the WebMD search field before I hit the ol' sack (that was a euphemism, by the way... only one bruise at a time, please).
That post was fucking great! Thanks for the laughs.
p.s. I'm coming to GR (from Texas) in less than 2 weeks to visit a friend (who also reads your blog) and will be packing some cold weather gear along with some Salt Lick BBQ sauce for the smoked brisket he's making the day of my arrival. Cold beer, good friends, and hot brisket in December in Michigan! Can't beat it.
Well, James, stop on by Okemos and say "hey" if you find yourself in need of a Cracker Barrel or Bennigan's. That's about it... although there is the International Traveler's Club and Tuba Museum.
Wow that EXACT same thing happens to my sister! It freaked her the F out the first time but it is, indeed, a broken blood vessel. I mean hers is. I'm not a real doctor so I don't want to say yours is for sure but I would put at least five bucks on it. And it's not deadly. Just creepy and hurty.
Holy crap, Crescent! That's great news! If it happens to her and she's still alive, then there's hope for me, too!
Wait... she is still alive, isn't she? And does she still have all her toes? Please say yes, please say yes...
It could be Kaposi's Sarcoma....
It's probably not...
but it could be.
... I'm just saying.
Mike, you're a bastard.
She is still alive and kicking! She DOES have all her toes! And the doctor told her that a big part of it is bad circulation and that she should live someplace warmer than Wisconsin (she still lives in Wisconsin). Should YOU maybe live someplace warmer than the basement? Nahhh...just get warmer socks maybe.
Her's was her whole foot top. It gave me the bees to look at it but it was harmless I guess.
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