In the past week, though, an assload of leaves have started falling into the yard -- brown, curly leaves. I think there must be a B.M. tree nearby 'cuz now everything looks like a fucking turd. Tonight, the Old Lady and I couldn't find his late-night leavings and we were trying to sniff the lil' smokies out.
That's when I came up with my idea for a dogshit-locating detective show. Each week, the private dick would show up at a different yard and try to hunt down the missing dumps.
Okay, it's a shitty idea, but it gave me an opportunity to come up with some half-assed, dogshit-related detective show puns, so indulge me.
Here are the potential show names, so far...
Turder She Wrote
The Rockford Piles (or as Mr. Z amended, The Rockfart Piles)
Barna-B.M. Jones
Poo-lice Story
Hill Street Poos
Homicide: Turd on the Street
Nancy Poo (Miss O came up with that one)
and my favorite, Magnum P.U., starring Tom Smellit.
Holy shit, I think the fumes have gotten to me. I need to wash my hands and get some sleep.
This will speak to your two most recent posts: magic, and poo locators:
Magic Poop Collector
And for Grooming ideas:
Happy to have you back, CD.
Cagney & Deucey
21 Dump Street
Tenspeed and Browned Shoe
Oh, Jason... how I miss you.
How bout
Jake and the Scatman
Scat Houston
Hardasshole and McCorn-ick!
Okay... I'm done.
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