Well, Miss O's two-wheeler good mood officially lasted "a" second, and then she was on the express train right back to crabbyville. In all fairness, she has been battling this never-ending, bottomless-phlegm-pit of a cold that has seemingly been dragging on since, oh I don't know, the twelfth? Of never? All shit broke loose yesterday afternoon, and there has been a steady stream of whining, tears, boogers and/or snotballs ever since.
We've tried to cheer her up, distract her, indulge her, but she has set the mood dial to "fuck off" and that sucker ain't budging anytime soon. At one point, in the midst of a particularly blubbery weepisode, she stomped upstairs to her room and slammed her door. Then, about two minutes later, she stomped back down, tears still a-streamin', and thrust this into my hands:
I think the fact that I laughed at its sheer adorableness didn't really help matters much.
Alas, knowone nose the troubles she nose.
Oh, I cry, I cry. This is so perfectly soaked with angst and grumpypantness. Yes, she probably wanted to slap you, but ohhhh...it's so perfectly, wonderfully crabbykid.
Yeah, Queen Lisa, she is well on her way to earning the crabby crown. Oh, a dad can dream...
And Bernard, I told you never to mention my "thing" in public! And how could I possibly make any more money using my blog?! I'm already having a hell of a time keeping track of the zero dollars I've made already.
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