Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Boy the Fartist...

From the sounds of it, the spawnage have a fairly inspired art teacher at school. They come home with some pretty wacky projects that aren't usually your bullshit construction paper, yarn and Elmer's grade school slapdash-o-ramas. Mr. Z has been talking about a t-shirt that he's been working on for the last coupla weeks -- apparently, each kid created their own design and then made some sort of crude silk-screen to transfer it to the shirt. He came home wearing the finished product today:

Is that the greatest fucking t-shirt ever, or what?! Robots rule. Truer today than ever.

ME: That shirt is AWESOME, Mr. Z!

MR. Z: Yeah... it's not what I originally wanted to do, though.

ME: Really? What was the original idea?

MR. Z: It was going to say 'Robots Rule but Aliens Drool," but it wouldn't all fit on the shirt. So I just went with 'Robots Rule.'

ME: Wise choice. I mean... what else is there to say?

Maybe I should quit my job and have Mr. Z just crank out more unwittingly ironic slacker shirts that I could sell over at Urban Outfitters for like 40 bucks a pop. The boy's a marketing genius!


Jason said...

Dude, forget Urban Outfitters. That looks like a bestseller on Threadless or Cafe Press if I've ever seen one.

Innisanimate said...

It is sincerely the coolest thing I have ever seen. That's a great robot design...kind of reminds me of my old 2XL, but much cooler. So far, Mr.Z has cranked out some of the most interesting stuff I've ever hear. The 'Word Spud' theme and now this. Apparently having a 'dad in the basement' helps with the 'light in the attic'.

Kim said...

I'll take one Tshirt in large, please. It totally RAWKS.

Burbanmom said...

Etsy.com man, toss a couple of those on etsy. I know my son would want one!

Great work, Mr. Z!

Russ said...

I think the posters ahead of me have this one covered! Cafepress and you could make a mint (probably just an andy's candies, but a mint nonetheless).

Anonymous said...

Little Slug Albums and Robots Rule T-Shirts. Sounds like the makings of a store to me! Coffee mugs? Journals?
He can put his friends work on his store site, too, and take a percentage.
Just saying...

PG said...

Agreed, that shirt is very sweet! People would buy them for sure.