Clash shirt, b/w, horizontally striped leggings and Chucks. I'd SO wear that if I were six. Shit, if they made that outfit in my size, I'd wear it tomorrow.
(By the way, Miss O just fell out of bed as I was typing this. I heard a "thud/AHH!" and ran into her room to find her climbing back in to her bed. I asked her what happened and she said, "I fell out of bed" in a way that made it sound more like "I fucking fell outta bed, ya dumbshit, whattya think just happened?!" I
that last line should read I THANK the Clash shirt for the 'tude.
Good stuff!
Hey, at least she LETS you pick out her clothes. My kids (5) and (3) insist on picking out their own outfits. This results in Ethan wearing a red Krypto The Superdog shirt that is about four sizes too big, paired, of course, with red pants (because that MATCHES). And Daphne? A princess. Every. Damn. Time.
That's one stylish gal you got there! Be VERY thankful that she lets you pick out her clothing. My three year old insists on picking out her outfits every day. I can't complain though, really, she doesn't do a half bad job.
PG, thanks for the edit. You are so right.
Burban and Multi, you're both lucky that you have the fashionable self-starters that you do. The spawnage rarely dress themselves -- Miss O has a good eye, so I don't worry about her choices when she does go it alone. When Mr. Z picks stuff out to wear on the weekends, though, it's usually a Mario shirt, some old sweatpants that are about 5 sizes too small and a pair of white socks, pulled up to the knees. He basically dresses himself like a 40 year old comic book store owner. That's why we usually pick clothes out for him. To negate the nerdarino factor.
I'm waiting for Queen Lisa to pipe in here about her son's bizarre clothing choices when he was little. I don't want to steal her thunder - I'll just say ... that it could be somewhat drag-esque.
I wish someone would have taken a firm hand with my childhood love of appliqued sweat suits.
We're all gonna be on Miss O's payroll someday.
I can't tell by Miss O's blank expression if she really likes the outfit...
Is that an actual made bed behind the child? How does that happen?
It IS a made bed, FG. That's one of Miss O's chores... pretty much the only one she does. If you notice, though, the rest of the room is not in the shot. The camera is actually resting atop a toxic pile of dirty socks, Polly Pocket accessories and just plain garbage. Makes a good tripod.
Ah, I'm late to the party here. But yes, my son wore a mustard coloured tweed jacket for a year or so EVERY DAMN DAY when he was three. And would introduce himself as "Big Andrew" and shake people's hands like he was a little red haired acorn-headed car salesman. It was a weird year, to be sure. Then he wore a three piece suit to kindergarten on a regular basis because he thought it made him look like a "Manager", and that all he needed to perfect the outfit was "fake hair on his chest". Yes, his feminist, activist mom had a aneurysm. Every. Damn. Day. So yes, I echo those who say what a great thing they let you pick out clothes for them! (PS) Despite his three year old car salesman machismo, he actually ended up being a relatively normal kid once that passed. After that he went punk, and had his head shaved into a checkerboard.... :-) Thanks, Seizure for reminding me that it all works out in the end!
HA HA HA....Queen Lisa, didn't he once wear the suit/jacket and a long, blonde curly wig or am I hallucinating that particular story?
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