Tuesday, January 19, 2016

What Mr. Z. Eats in College: Meal 049

1.18.16 Lunch

MR. Z.: First meal of second semester. Veggie melt sandwich, "blonde" pizza with some sort of greens and a kale salad. Semester 2 is starting off well. Hopefully the kale doesn't destroy my bowels.

This meal's color palette:

A whole new semester yields a whole new color palette. I see a little lilac in there and, what is that... heliotrope?!  Yes, Mr. Z. is back at school after five weeks at home. It was great having him back at the homestead for so long. In fact, it was almost like he never left... his room. Which he didn't. I think he enjoyed the downtime but I'm pretty sure he was ready to get back to school after about 72 hours, 24 sticks of string cheese and a metric ton of Cheez-Its. Hopefully, this semester, he'll learn that it's the carbs and not the kale that his colon needs to be worried about.

Also, I'd be concerned about pizza that's named after hair.

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