Sunday, October 17, 2010

Turning over a New Leash...

Well, Miss O decided today that she wanted to fire up the old Dog Treats Cafe, once again, and hey, it was either that or watch the Bears suck their own asses, so it was a no-brainer. So here you have it, Episode Eight, where she spoons right into a re-hydrated bowl of The Honest Kitchen's "Force" dog food.* Enjoy!

*According to their site, "The Honest Kitchen is the only pet food company with FDA approval to label its pet foods human grade." Frankly, that's more than I can say for the Pringles she wants me to put in her lunches everyday.


Kimber said...

What a crazy girl! Love it!

Innisanimate said...

Somewhat surprised to see the format change without Z's disembodied arm wielding the tongs. You more than made up for it with the extended eating scene and force FX.