Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What Mr. Z Eats in College: Meal 048

12.12.15 Lunch

MR. Z.: Turkey sandwich thing that was really good and a bun with hummus and arugula and various other vegetables (and, of course, even more greens on the side). I'm not sure how you're going to complain about this meal -- it was pretty amazing.

This meal's color palette:

I don't mean to be a doubting Dorothy but there's no way he ate all those greens. That's a decoy plate if ever I've seen one -- just out of frame there's a mop bucket filled with cheddar fries, mac and cheese and Little Debbie Zebra Cakes. However, if you truly ate that meal, Mr. Z., then I'm giving you an A+ for the semester. Especially since the very first meal pic you sent me this year was this:

I'll bet there are still hunks of that crust wedged into your ileocecal junction. Don't worry, though. Just keep flushing your system with whatever that red liquid is and you'll be fine. Safe travels home, Mr. Z! See you soon!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

What Mr. Z. Eats in College: Meal 047

12.8.15 Dinner

MR. Z.: Tonight was a "mac and cheese bar" (so basically there were MASSIVE vats of mac and cheese). I took advantage of the opportunity and may or may not have gotten seconds, too. That veggie burger is a substitute for the nightly salad. It was pretty decent (though honestly, the only reason I didn't get a salad was because I couldn't fit it on my plate).

ME: You know where you need to sleep tonight?

MR. Z.: One of the dorms actually has a tub. I'll sleep there.

This meal's color palette:

All of my sphincters reflexively slammed shut when I looked at that plate. That's probably a half pound of pasta right there and he says he got seconds. No wonder our grocery bills plummeted by $150 after he left for school. I'm sure Italy is like, "Cosa è successo a tutti gli ordini di pasta da Michigan?! Stiamo per andare fuori dal mercato! Mamma mia!" Oh well, he'll be home for a month starting next week, which should help restart the Italian economy. I also love that, in Mr. Z.'s mind, a veggie burger on a bun with a Kraft single is the equivalent of a salad. Would it kill him to at least tuck a piece of lettuce into that thing? Get some green into that color palette, Mr. Z!

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

What Mr. Z. Eats in College: Meal 046

12.1.15 Dinner

MR. Z.: Dinner tonight. This was carrot coconut soup and I was a bit apprehensive at first, but it was amazing. Wasn't feeling pizza, so why not take a risk? (The "Global" line has had lots of red meat lately, which sucks.)

This meal's color palette:

I have nothing to complain about with this meal. Can't get much healthier than carrot soup with a side of "no pizza." The "Global" that he mentioned is the "Global Gourmet Daily Special" that we noticed on the menu and are trying to get Mr. Z to explore a bit more. Apparently it should be called "The Meat Lover's Global Gourmet Daily Special." I did notice that today's global lunch special is:

Give that a try, Mr. Z.! You like noodles AND it has aminos in it! Just like real Cantonese chefs use in their authentic Cantonese-style cooking! I can't tell you how many times I've been to Cantonese-style restaurants and said, "You know, these noodles are good but they'd be even more delicious with a little Lysine sprinkled on them. And maybe some Threonine and Glutamic Acid! Oh waiter! Bring me some aminos!!!"